Host a Reading


Local Favorite Poem Project readings allow diverse members of a single community to come together for an afternoon or evening to share unique, personal treasures: the poems they love. We have documented nearly 1,000 Favorite Poem Project readings across the United States. Invariably, the readings contribute to a convivial community spirit. Many schools and libraries have made Favorite Poem Project readings annual events. 

We have compiled a How-to Guide to assist people planning readings at large-city book stores, small-town libraries, elementary and high schools, even birthday and holiday parties. Below, you’ll find our best advice. (If you’re planning a reading at a grade school or high school be sure to check out the suggestions for readings in schools.)

For Libraries

The Favorite Poem Project encourages public libraries to get involved by organizing Favorite Poem Project readings in their communities. 

A few years ago, the Favorite Poem Project sent “Strengthening Communities through the Art of Poetry” kits to 1,400 small and rural libraries across the United States and to 43 State Centers for the Book. The distribution of these kits, which included a selection of FPP videos, a copy of the project anthology Americans’ Favorite Poems, and an event programming guide, was made possible by the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The libraries that received the kits serve small populations and have shown interest in public programming or demonstrated a need for materials. The project owes thanks to the American Library Association and the Library of Congress for helping to select recipient libraries. 

In an effort to continue aiding libraries in their good work of promoting poetry, we are happy to donate a Favorite Poem Project anthology to any interested US library. If you work for a public library and wish to receive an anthology, please contact us at